New functions link advice and shopping for parents-to-be

At babymarkt we deal with the most beautiful topic in the world every day, becoming parents and everything that goes with it. Our goal is to be the first port of call for baby and child in the minds of (expectant) parents. Our babymarkt app, which was expanded at the beginning of the year to become a pregnancy companion far beyond the shopping functions, plays an important role on this path.

A pregnancy calendar, a checklist for the first equipment and a personal diary are the central functions of the pregnancy companion. These are also supplemented by advisory content on the individual timing of the pregnancy and thus offer real added value for young families.

Drei Bereiche vom babymarkt Schwangerschaftsbegleiter

Personalised counselling offers pregnant women real added value

Schwangerschaftskalender vom babymarkt Schwangerschaftsbegleiter

As the name suggests, the pregnancy calendar is of course just that: a calendar that informs the parents-to-be about the current time of their pregnancy. In addition, it also includes a playful visualisation of the foetus, as it is depicted week by week as a comparably sized fruit or vegetable, depending on the progress of the pregnancy. A countdown also reveals how long the parents ideally still have to wait until they can hold their offspring in their arms.

The link to the guidebook is particularly strong here. Tips and tricks from mothers and our midwife team provide further food for thought and insights for the pregnancy week users are in. A weekly update on the baby’s developments is linked as well as further information from our online guide. In this way, important information is available quickly and clearly.

The initial equipment always in view

In addition to the comprehensive information and advice offered, the app has a practical function in the form of an interactive checklist that helps parents-to-be to keep track of their initial equipment. Users can tick off the items they have already completed in individual topic blocks from the nursery to clothing. By clicking on the open items, they can access the respective assortment and browse for suitable products that they still need for the initial equipment.

With each ticked-off item, the progress of the checklist is also updated in the overview and thus gives a good overview of how much still needs to be done. The checklist was developed together with our midwifery team and contains the items that are recommended for a newborn. Depending on the expected date of birth, the suggestions for clothing change from winter to summer. The checklist thus offers parents-to-be clear support.

Diary function records the memories and changes of the pregnancy

Tagebuchfunktion vom babymarkt Schwangerschaftsbegleiter

The practical and advisory offer of the pregnancy companion covers the increased need for information during pregnancy. Of course, pregnancy is much more: an exciting, completely new and individual experience! That’s why the app also includes a diary that gives users the opportunity to document the many changes and impressions. The diary function is also divided into different topics that relate to the course of the pregnancy over time. Updates on the current month, for example, include symptoms and physical changes that users can record via checkboxes. For topics such as the name search, ultrasound examinations or nursery planning, a mixture of free text fields and checkboxes are offered. All entries can be supplemented with suitable pictures.

In addition to these fixed topic areas, users have the option of creating individual entries and using the diary function just like the analogue model. Weight and abdominal girth can be recorded as well as moods, complaints and personal notes. In this way, the pregnancy companion helps with one’s own mindfulness in this special situation and makes the changes come alive in retrospect.

This bundling of information worth knowing, interactive functions and the expertise in the product range prove that we have long been more than just a mail order company.

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